Thank you for trusting us at Best Grooming for your Pet’s Grooming Needs!

Our goal is to provide the safest, most enjoyable grooming experience for you and your pets. We strive to maintain a clean grooming salon and provide the highest standards possible with our grooming and products we use. Below are our policies that we have developed to ensure the safety and
happiness of your pets while in our care.

Best Grooming Policies & Procedures

Grooming Policies:

  • We ask that all pets entering the salon must be leashed or in a carrier!
  • You must walk your dog to potty before you bring them for grooming. Multiple eliminations in the salon may result in a hazard clean up fee. If your pet eliminates on themself and we need to re-wash, it will result in a $10+ cleaning fee.
  • We do not require proof of vaccination records, but your pets’ vaccinations must be up to date. If your pet were to bite someone or another animal at the salon, animal control would be notified and they may quarantine your pet if they are not up to date on rabies vaccination. Puppies should have all puppy vaccines completed prior to coming in for their wellbeing.
  • Haircut appointments typically take between 45 min to 1.5 hour for small to med dog, 1.5 to 2.5 hours for large/X-large dogs. Please allow us the time needed to complete the grooming session. We will call/text you as soon as they are ready to be picked up. The pets do not like to be rushed, nor do the groomers.
  • We work hard to provide a calm, stress-free setting for our fur clients. If your pet becomes aggressive, stressed, or a noise nuisance, you will be called immediately for pick up and may be charged up to full price + a handling fee.
  • Although accidents are very rare, there is of course always a risk when handling live animals. Although we use extreme caution and care in all situation’s, grooming equipment is extremely sharp and accidents can occur, including but not limited to: cuts, nicks, scratches, or quickening of the nails. Unforeseen allergic reactions to products used can also happen. In most cases, accidents can happen when a pet is anxious, wiggling and moving around suddenly during the grooming session. Your pet’s safety and comfort is our number one priority. In the event an accident does occur, you will be notified. If Best Grooming feels it is an accident requiring veterinary attention and the pet owner is not onsite, we will seek immediate veterinary care for your animal. There are also times when mat burns show after they are shaved out. This is not caused by the groomer being careless, but the severity of the mats. We will always do an inspection of your pet upon arrival and in the bathtub. Your groomer will notify you of anything they find. Should any cuts occur during the grooming process, we will notify you and advise you on how to treat these. Injuries caused due to the condition of the pets matting is NOT the responsibility of Best Grooming and any vet costs due to these are at the expense
    of the Client.
  • Senior pets: These grooms are often what we call comfort grooms, meaning they are out of the comfort of your pet, they may not be perfect. We will do our best to complete your senior pet’s groom. Grooming can be stressful for senior pets, we work within your pets comfort level, if at any time your pet is not tolerating the groom we will stop and notify you.
    • Prices quoted over the phone or sight un-seen are a base price estimate only. Actual price may be different based on the pet’s breed, weight, temperament, coat condition and length.
  • Only a 15-minute grace period will be given for arriving late, after 15 minutes your appointment will be canceled, and you will be charged a $25 no-show fee. You must call 24-hours prior to cancel. A late cancellation will result in a $25 fee before you are able to reschedule. After 3 offenses of late cancelation or arriving late, we will require Pre-payment for any future appointments made.
  • Pets who are called for pick up must be picked up within 1 hour of first notice, (unless other arrangements are agreed upon), otherwise you will be charged a late pick-up fee of $15/hr. Pets who are groomed close to closing hours must be picked up by our stated salon closing time.
  • Pets that come in with fleas or tics will automatically receive a flea bath at the pet owner’s expense of $10 or more depending on pet’s size. Any remaining ticks will automatically be hand plucked at owner’s expense of $1 per tick.
  • Dogs with lightly matted fur/hair is okay (lightly matted mean’s a few matts on ears and tail, NOT WHOLE BODY!). Dogs with severely matted fur/hair, will automatically be shaved as short as needed to not cause any discomfort to the pet and the owner will be charged a mat fee of $10+. Ear hair is plucked unless requested otherwise, if there is an ear infection present, hair will not be plucked.
  •  Add-on anal glands are checked, and only gland expressed externally if needed. We do not guarantee to fix or cure any anal gland issue, if there is an issue after expression, we will no longer express and will refer you to a veterinarian for future anal gland expressions.
  • We accept checks, credit card or cash.
  • As minimum wage goes up along with our business operations costs including equipment, supplies, etc., price increases will be made annually.
  • If you have an issue with your pet’s haircut, please let us know with-in 48 hours of the grooming appointment and pictures must be provided by email showing the concern. After that we may not be able to resolve the issue without charging to re-groom.
  • You hereby grant Best Grooming the permission to capture and utilize photographs and videos of your pet for the purpose of posting on social media and promotional materials.

Other General Policies:

  • Best Grooming reserves the right, to refuse service to anyone at our own discretion.
  • Best Grooming has extensive safety and sanitation precautions to ensure your pets safety and health. Occasionally, grooming can expose a hidden medical issue, or aggravate a current one. If in the event of an emergency or if medical treatment is needed, in the best interest of your pet, we will obtain immediate veterinary care at the pet owner’s expense. We are not responsible for any injuries or sudden death of your pet.
  • By signing this agreement, you agree to relieve Best Grooming from any and all liabilities related to your pet’s grooming.

Thank you for choosing Best Grooming to pamper your pet!

Detail: This policy is shown on the company page and is required for all clients.